Tuesday, February 23, 2010

In which I start throwing furniture

Not really. But I'm THIS CLOSE, internets. THIS CLOSE to throwing a chair across the room, crazy-rock-star-trashing-a-hotel-room-style, provided I have any upper-body strength, which I do not, but STILL.

I just had a third interview yesterday. Third. Interview. All at the same place. For one job. Three interviews now. All of my references were called. All of my references told me that it was pretty likely I was going to get this job. I got very excited. The third and final interview was fine. At the end of it, the interviewers were all, "well, we're going to make a decision today, and finally put an end to this long process!"


Then I went home and waited, clutching my phone.

And waited.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand waited.

The phone rings! Oh. It's my brother.

Phone rings again!

Arrrrrrrrrgh. It's my other brother. I mean, hooray, brothers, but this is toying with my nerves.

And now...still nothing. No word whatsoever.

WHY? WHY? WHY tell me that you're going to make a decision on a SPECIFIC DAY and then NOT TELL ME ANYTHING AT ALL? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?

1 comment:

  1. i hate those moments when you feel like you will rip your hair out and you are THISCLOSE to walking to the liquor store, buying out their inventory of yuengling, chugging the beers one by one (while raising your fist in anger) and then promptly smashing the empty bottles on the sidewalk.
