Yes, internets, I wish you all unbridled joy. And now, since I don't have any money to buy you real presents, my Christmas gift to you is one very short terrible interview story.
I had an interview at a marketing firm, and ended up waiting (naturally) in the lobby/waiting area for awhile. I guess they had had some party, or something, because there were a bunch of sodas in the waiting room, and the receptionist was all, "oh, help yourself, do help yourself!"
"Well, ok," I said, and cracked open a Diet Coke.
Then my interviewer appeared.
"[K]? Great to meet you, let's - IS THAT A BEER?"
Me, glancing alarmingly at my Diet Coke can: "What? No! It's a Diet Coke. From - from your party?"
Interviewer: "OH. OK. I thought it was a beer."
Me: "Erm...no. Diet Coke."
Interviewer: "Great. Let's go."
Anyway, I hope you all have lovely holidays filled with beer, Diet Coke, and Christmas cheer. See you next year!
Please don't get to the point where you're so discouraged that you are bringing a can of beer to interviews, just to see what they'll say.